Bikepacking &
Ultra Endurance Cycling

My Way of Riding Far

This blog is about

Riding through Arabell Valley


It can be a long way to tackle your first ultra endurance event. Go here to read more about stories, preparations and retrospects.

Performance Diagnostic


Ultra endurance racing is somewhere between physical performance and mental toughness. Find out how I address these issues in my daily training.

An another round.


I do like racing against others. But I also like racing against myself. This section is all about my personal projects. Looking for new inspirational ideas? That's your section.

Halva - best high calory food that I found in Kyrgyzstan.


Eating whatever and as much as you want. Not really. But you can eat a lot during your races. Have a closer look into what´s the right food before, during and after the races and in your daily training.

Raphael Albrecht Atlas Mountain Race


Bikepacking is the best way to explore our beautiful world. Get lost and find your own way. Looking for new routes, stories or inspiration? Click here.

Break in Kyrgyzstan


Bikes. Clothes. Sleeping and camping equipment. These topic is about everything that you need for the races. Even entire kit lists of my races.

Media Projects

Stories and Other


The Broom Wagon Podcast

In pandemic times (one more coin into the covid swear jar 💰) Raphael decided to push everybody to explore their backyard, in Germany. That's how Orbit360 was born. Now, after an awesome 1st season, Orbit is moving further and Rapha is also planning his race season. We talked about this on this episode of the BroomWagon Podcast 🚌 kicking off also the new Backyard collection on Komoot, with an awesome ride in Grunewald.

Die Wundersame Fahrradlwelt

Die Wundersame Fahrradwelt

Raphael Albrecht ist als Co-Founder des Orbit360 (, Deutschlands erster Gravelserie, Stammgast in der Wundersamen Fahrradwelt, jedoch ging es in der Vergangenheit meist um den Orbit360. Eher im Nebensatz habt ihr erfahren, dass er selbst seit einigen Jahren als Ultracyclist im Renngeschehen mitmischt. Dieses mal habe ich mir vorgenommen herauszufinden, wer Raphael eigentlich ist, und wie er vom semi-professionellen Tischtennisspielen zu den langen Distanzen gekommen ist..

Biketour Global Logo

BiketourGlobal Podcast

Herzlich Willkommen zur 31. Ausgabe des BiketourGlobal Podcast Season 2! Nach dem Orbit ist vor dem Outer Space! So heißt der galaktische Dreiklang des Orbit 360 im kommenden Jahr. Und was sich dahinter verbirgt, darüber spreche ich mit Raphael Albrecht. Mit Raphael hatte ich bereits vor einem Jahr gesprochen und nutze natürlich die Gelegenheit, um mich auch über sein Jahr 2020 und seinen Weg vom Fahrrad-Fan zum Ultra-Endurance Fahrer zu unterhalten. Viel Spaß!

Raphael Albrecht aka cyclingrapha

The man behind cyclingrapha

Hey, my friends call me Rapha. Like the brand, just not that popular. I like to eat! Pasta, pizza, chocolate, peanut butter…it’s a never-ending list. However, I’m somehow allergic to fruits and some other healthy stuff. But take this, I’m starting to make friends with some mean vegetables. Spinach, rocket salad and avocado are the newest members in my friends list. But there are still some enemies. Tomatoes are the worst! What else to say? I like REAL adventures, I jump out of planes, I like coffee (holding a barista licence), techno and metal is the music that keeps me pushing the pedals, Pasta & Pizza keep me alive, three brothers/ no sister, former table tennis player (somewhere between amateur and professional), Berlin-lover, Australia-lover, world-lover. And most important, I’m a gravel grinder, pedal crusher, bikepacker, ice-cream-lover, dog-not-lover, ultra distance cyclist, who (sometimes) loves the preparation more than the actual race, who is getting crazy when it comes to route planning or gear selection. Bikepacking changed my life and I look forward to take you into this world of never-ending stories, joy, happiness, satisfaction and challenges, but also a world of pain, fear and frustration.

Listen to my way from a  full-time employee at a consulting company to an ultra endurance cyclist and all the little steps in between on the Biketour Global podcast.

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